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Library Services

為何設立圖書館?Why Library? 





目前,館藏逾 5,000 本,其中三分之二為中文書籍和期刊,其餘為英文及馬來文藏書。主題包括文化研究、藝術、哲學、政治學、社會研究、文學等不同知識領域的書籍,尤其以開展本土與東南亞研究為藏書重點。2018年,本館獲本地著名文化人張景雲捐贈珍貴藏書,並設立「張景雲特藏」角落,以完整呈現張先生思想軌跡。



Rumah Attap Library and Collective was founded in Feb 2017 by three collectives: Amateur, Au Sow-yee and In Between Cultura.It is a conceptual library of humanities, social studies and the arts. 


Unlike conventional libraries, Rumah Attap’s collection of books and intellectual activities not only focus on humanities readings and critical thinking, but also connect them with the social environment, urban change and civil society movements. This is to make the library a “living coordinate” of the city.

We currently keep about 5,000 books – some of which we inherited from a defunct humanities library in KL run by the alumni of USM Tionghoa language society and from the generous donation by the public. Two-thirds of our collection are Chinese-language books and journals, the rest are in English and Malay. The library system has been set up since July 2017 with the effort of many volunteers.

Our collection varies from cultural studies, arts, philosophy, political studies, social studies, and literature, while we strive to expand our collection on local and Southeast Asian studies. In 2018, we received a large number of book donations from renowned local poet Mr. Teoh Kian Hoon. We then set up the “Teoh Kian Hoon Special Collection” corner, with the hope to present his intellectual trajectory in all respects.


Opening hours: Sat & Sun: 1pm ~ 5pm

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張景雲特藏 Teoh Kian Hoon Special Collection

張景雲,筆名張友荊、張塵因、張遐舉、張乃菅等,袓籍福建同安,1940年1月11日生於緬甸丹荖。二戰後在檳榔嶼長大,十六歲輟學,青壯年時期在新加坡生活十二年,卅六歲後到吉隆坡從事新聞工作,於2007年退休。曾任《東方日報》總主筆、《南洋商報》總主筆、《新通報》總主筆、華社研究中心研究員及人文雜誌主編。著有詩集《言筌集》(人間出版社:1977  年)、人文隨筆集《雲無心,水長東》(燧人氏:2001年)、小品文集《見素小品》(燧人氏:2001年)、《犬耳零箋》(燧人氏:2014年)、《反芻煙霞》(楓林文叢:2020年)和東南亞歷史隨筆《炎方叢脞》(燧人氏:2021年)。




Teoh Kian Hoon was born in Mergui, Burma, on January 11, 1940. He grew up in Penang after WWII and was dropped out of school at the age of sixteen. A self-taught poet and writer, Teoh had lived in Singapore for 12 years before moving to Kuala Lumpur at the age of 36 where he worked in several Chinese newspapers until his retirement in 2007. He had served as the chief editorial writer at Oriental Daily, Nanyang Siang Pau and New Tung Pao, a research fellow at the Center for Malaysian Chinese Studies and the chief editor of the Center’s humanities magazine. His published books include one poetry collection and five essay collections.


In July 2018, Mr. Teoh donated his extensive collection of books to Rumah Attap Library, and we decided to set up a special collection to reflect his reading interests. Teoh Kian Hoon was a school dropout who has since been diligently studying various kinds of knowledge in the humanities, especially on contemporary culture and social thoughts in the West. This collection of books shows his reading interests after the 1970s when he settled down in KL. To a certain extent, it also reflects the social and cultural changes of the era.


Teoh Kian Hoon Special Collection comprises Chinese and English titles in the field of Classical Chinese studies, Modern Chinese literature, thoughts and society, Religion, Social Sciences, Science Studies, Science Fiction and various kinds of humanities magazines from local and abroad. From the collection, we are able to glimpse the trajectory of a self-taught intellectual who seeks an independent and free spirit in order to settle in life, through the pursuit of knowledge despite all kinds of struggles. He once said: “Learn bits and pieces by studying, yet it is only to understand the world.”

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