About Us 關於我們
Founded by Amateur, In Between Cultura and Au Sow Yee Studio in 2017, Rumah Attap Library & Collective is located in a row of restored c.1950s interconnected shophouses in Kampung Attap, Kuala Lumpur. Rumah Attap is both a physical library and an imagined space. On the one hand, it is a space for reading, discussion, publication, workshops and forums. Researchers, artists and the public are also able to exchange books and thoughts related to cultural studies, arts, literature, philosophy and social sciences. On the other, it is an imagined space where ideas and discourses intersect, ferment, spread, converge and mutate. We hope to build an open and critical alternative knowledge system through this library, creating a critical and "living coordinate" generated by public participation. Rumah Attap works towards charting a new intellectual map that connects geography, history, time, society, politics, culture and the arts.
Rumah Attap Library and Collective Opening hours
Sat & Sun: 1pm ~ 5pm
由「業餘者」、「之間文化實驗室」和「區秀詒工作室」成立於2017年,「亞答屋:84號圖書館」座落在吉隆坡甘榜亞答(Kampung Attap)的藤街(Jalan Rotan),由戰後50年代老店屋改建而成。「亞答屋:84號圖書館」是一個真實的圖書館,在這裡進行著文化研究、藝術、哲學、社會科學等不同知識領域的書籍和觀念交換,也同時是閱讀、講座、工作坊、讀書會、出版以及研究者和藝術創作者進駐的場域。「亞答屋:84號圖書館」也是一個想像的地方,迥異的觀念、語境在這裡交匯、發酵、擴散、組裝、異變。我們企圖在這座既想像又真實的圖書館建立一套具開放性和批判性的另類知識系統。「亞答屋:84號圖書館」同時作為一個活的座標(living coordinate),以來共同參與的公眾之身體和精神作為驅力,重構一張不僅僅攸關地理,也連結歷史、時間、社會、政治、藝術等建構而成的知識與心靈地圖。

余俊輝 Yee Chun Fei
吳小保 Goh Siew Poh *
李志勇 Lee Chee Yong
區秀詒 Au Sow Yee *
張溦紟 Cheong Wey Jin *
梁潔瑜 Leong Jie Yu
陳敬謙 Tan Jing Qian
黃麒達 Wong Kee Tat *
楊潔 Yong Kiat *
葉興隆 Lucas Yap Heng Lung
趙慈瑩 Zinc Chew
劉存全 Low Choon Chyuan
劉華丹 Low Watan
鄧婉晴 Tung Wan Qing *
鄭詩慧 Teh Ser Huy
盧姵伊 Loo Pei Yi *
蘇穎欣 Show Ying Xin *
*為創始成員 * Founding member