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In this rapidly growing city, boundaries and appearances of communities have been constantly changing. Located at the intersection of two rivers, KL is also an interchange for heterogeneous culture. However, who belongs or does not belong to this city? Who holds the right to speak and define this city for us? Can we move away from the given framework, be able to see the Other outside the comfort zone? Rumah Attap’s latest project "Archive of the Other: Mapping KL and Its Imaginary" is a multi-faceted art project, aiming at using the method of "cultural mapping", to rediscover the history and Kuala Lumpur and its stories of urban developments.It is designed to include "the Other" that has always been excluded from our vision and imagination of the city. It involves a 3-dimensional archive which collects books, things, and documents that are related to Kuala Lumpur, and has them exhibited in the library. It also holds talks and discussions to have dialogues on the landscape and developments of KL. Thirdly, it creates a "participatory mapping" project that invites the public to walk into the neglected community of KL.It will be showcased through words and images.



Archive of the Other: Mapping KL and Its Imaginary

《與他者共生》Living with The Others

價錢 Price : RM 18

力挺價 Harga solidariti : RM20 

內容簡介 Intro:

本書為【他者資料庫:吉隆坡與其想像的繪製計劃】部份成果,該計劃獲得雲手基金(INXO Arts Fund)部份贊助。

【他者資料庫】計劃成員 :

劉華丹、劉存全、冼佩珊、楊欣蓓、曾劍鳴、黃凱薈、盧西安、區秀詒、 張溦紟、鄧婉晴、楊潔、吳小保、盧姵伊、李志勇、黃麒達、蘇穎欣






我們的田野行腳 / Novia

前言:他者的凝視 / 盧西安

導言:看見吉隆坡與他者 / 蘇穎欣

【專題】看不見的吉隆坡:視障者在十五碑 / 劉存全

【專題】異鄉不是客:菲律賓女傭的離散故事 / 蘇穎欣

【專題】天橋上的阿德,不斷尋找出路的街友 / 張溦紟

【專題】街友的一天 / 楊欣蓓

一位人類學徒暨影像工作者的田野焦慮 / 劉華丹

關於《他者資料庫》“展覽”的二三事 / 區秀詒

五一三:城市、空間與記憶政治 / 傅向紅

吉隆坡、他者與陌異化:記“閱讀吉隆玻的方法”讀書會 / 吳小保

歷史· 城市變遷· 邊緣弱勢:延伸閱讀書目選輯 / 曾劍鳴

詩三首 / 蘇寧寧、盧姵伊、李志勇




84c, Jalan Rotan,
Kampung Attap,
50460 Kuala Lumpur.


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